Heber Fördertechnik GmbH
Ramstal 6, 88436 Oberessendorf
Telefon: +49 (0)7355 9305 0
Fax: +49 (0)7355 9305 22
E-Mail: info@heber-foerdertechnik.de
high availability and long-term
investment protection
Of course, the complete range of services offered by HEBER Fördertechnik includes professional service.
HEBER Fördertechnik works every day to win over customers through performance and commitment and to ensure safe and highly available system operation.
Our systems are used by many industries where the focus is on mail order, over-the-counter retail, wholesale, e-commerce and logistics and fulfilment service providers. We know how crucial the optimum availability and performance of automated intralogistics systems are, especially in these sectors.
Our hotline and helpdesk support technicians will answer all your questions, whether they relate to mechanics, electrics, IT hardware or software. This results in a fast, targeted response and the reduction of downtimes and stoppage times.
You will be in direct contact with highly qualified support technicians who ensure that you can continue working as quickly as possible.
Maximising the available uptime of your valuable system.
Our team of experienced, skilled technicians is ready to come to you immediately in the event of a system malfunction in order to locate the problem and to solve it as soon as possible.
Predictive maintenance at regular intervals enables the maintenance of maximum system availability at minimised operating costs.